a group of people holding hands praying

About Us

Come and receive your healing!



Bruce & Elaine Smith

Ray Carter

Area Coordinator

Lena Garceau

Area Coordinators

Brad and Andrea Snow

Area Coordinator

Lily Meyer

Area Coordinators

Chris and Amanda Morey

Area Coordinator

Tiny Marais

Area Coordinators

Greg & Carol Gibler

Area Coordinator

Stephanie Shoquist

Area Coordinator

Dina Mabe

Area Coordinator

Gordon Petley-Jones

Area Coordinator

Michael White

Assistant Divisional Director

Sue Zanski

Assistant National Director

Patricia Sekanic

Assistant Regional Director

Kathy Ferguson

Assistant Regional Director

Jean Whitstone

Assistant State Directors

Jeff & Melissa Rogers

Divisional Director

Jean Whitstone

Divisional Director

Carol Campbell

Divisional Directors

Paul & Eve Clift

Divisional Directors

Paul & Eve Clift

Divisional Director

Laura Friend

Divisional Directors

Rick & Lori Taylor

Divisional Director

Laura Friend

Divisional Directors

Victor & Antonia Bregger

Divisional Directors

Markku & Susanne Laitinen

IAHR Contacts

James & Rachel Stone

IAHR Contact

Patricia Sekanic

IAHR Contacts

Rick & Sheryl Johnson

IAHR Contacts

Rick & Sheryl Johnson

IAHR Director

Cal Pierce

National Advisor

Angela McIntosh

National Advisors

Rev. Jagadish and Lina Edward

National Advisors

Raj and Kala Bijja

National Advisor

Ray Chou

National Advisor

Roy T. Carandang

National Advisor

Maria Sjögren

National Advisors

Shoji and Tatsuko Narahara

National Advisor

I Nengah Wahjudi Dhwi Santosa

National Contacts

Narae & Nuri Kang

National Contacts

John and Linda Keough

National Contact

Jeanette Endara

National Contacts

Javier Rodriguez Rojas & Elizabeth M. Arce Cruz

National Contact

Kamilla Normandbo

National Contact

Morten Edvardsen

National Contact

Steward Kasanzhi

National Director

Ruth Scorey

National Director

Augustin Ndjoumbi

National Director

Veronica Mee

National Director

Veronica Mee

National Directors

Philip & Gloria Boimah

National Director

Laura Friend

National Director

Pastor Grace Kabuye

National Director

Anton Tuul

National Directors

Martyn and Roslynne Ritchard

National Director

Anne Schurenberg

National Director

Maggie Baratto

National Director

Mourad Ziani

National Directors

Erald & Mathilde van de Ridder

National Directors

Dmytro & Iryna Smorzh

National Directors

Markku & Susanne Laitinen

National Director

Dottie Kane

National Directors

Victor & Antonia Bregger

National Directors

Rick & Lori Taylor

National Director

Carol Campbell

Provincial Advisor

Shaun Smit

Provincial Director

Angela Zieske

Provincial Director

Jo-Ann Swenson

Regional Advisor

Sue Briggs

Regional Directors

Bob and Kim Bergman

Regional Director

Bob Severdia

Regional Directors

James and Rachel Stone

Regional Director

David H

Regional Director

Teri Zumbusch

Regional Directors

Bob & Lola Copenhaver

Regional Director

Pastor Alvin Morales

Regional Director

Ingrid Servin

Regional Directors

Rush & Barbie Hunt

Regional Directors

John and Linda Keough

Regional Directors

David & Glendae Hauser

Regional Director

Vince Aquilino

State Advisors

Frank and Sharon Clark

State Advisors

Ira and Francine Blackmon

State Advisor

Oscar Navas

State Advisor

Karen Olsson

State Director

Angela Muncie

State Directors

Jerry and Teri Klinger

State Directors

Martyn and Roslynne Ritchard

State Director

Kim Reckert

State Director

Kim Reckert

State Director

Bob Severdia

State Directors

Daniel & Denise Pascucci

State Directors

Rush & Barbie Hunt

State Director

Vince Aquilino

State Directors

Bob and Kim Bergman

State Director

Margie Chavez

State Directors

Brad & Andrea Snow

State Director

Kathy Ferguson

State Directors

James & Rachel Stone

State Directors

Richard & Debra Wilson

State Directors

Bob & Lola Copenhavers

State Directors

Bob & Lola Copenhaver

State Directors

Robert & Carla Fritz

State Director

Patricia Sekanic

State Directors

David & Jayne Ann H

State Directors

Chuck & Jane Williams

State Director

Lisa Hawkins

State Director

Teri Zumbusch

State Director

Keith Plunske

State Directors

John & Merilyn Edwards

Hours Open


Richard H.

Richard H.

March 28, 2013

Hi, three years ago I started to have problems with my right leg and arm, weakness, numbness etc. Went to the doctors (several) and was diagnosed with M S. Being recently born again, my wife suggested attending a healing room for prayer. I'll admit, I was a little apprehensive at first but, through her persistence, I went. After being there for about 1 minute, all of my apprehensions and nervousness disappeared, truly wonderful, faithful people. This I can honestly say, after the laying of hands, anointing of oil and praying, before I left there I felt immediate relief. I mean I limped in and walked out. WOW! Fast forward about 8 months, I noticed the familiar feelings returning to my arm and leg. My wife again suggested returning to a healing room, how could I argue? This time we went to the Healing Rooms of Bucks County in Yardley PA. (not that there was anything wrong with the first one, the Lord told me to go here this time). Again, we were greeted by awesome people of faith. When I walked thru the door I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. Once more, I received the anointing of oil and prayer. The next day I had an appointment with my neurologist and after a physical exam, he suspected my arm and leg issues may not be M S related. After several MRI scans (and more prayer) it turns out he was right there were no signs of any new M S disease activity. My arm and leg are unrelated issues that can be easily treated. Awesome stuff!! So, all I can say is this, if you haven't already accepted Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord, Savior, Healer and Friend, do it now He's waiting for you. If you're ailing, either mentally, physically or spiritually, come to the Healing Room of Bucks County and accept His gift. Jesus died on the tree for ALL of our sins and iniquities don't let His gift go to waste. For by His stripes we are healed! Praise God!
