The Secret of Power
Luke 24:49 and Acts 1:8
He is risen, He is risen! Hear the cry
Ringing through the land, and sea and sky.
‘Tis the shout of victory, triumph is proclaimed
Heralds of God announce it, Death’s disdained.
Shout the tidings! Shout the tidings! Raise the cry.
Christ’s victorious, Christ’s victorious can not die,
For the bars of death He sundered, Satan sees that he has blundered,
As the shouts of angels thundered, “He’s alive!”
Catch the shout, ye earth-born mortals, let it roll,
Till it echoes o’er the mountains from the centre to the poles
That the Christ of earth and Glory death has conquered.
Tell the story, He’s the Victor! He’s the Victor! So am I.
For this reason that my ransom He has paid,
I’ve accepted His atonement on Him laid,
He, the Lamb of God that suffered all for me,
Bore my sins, my griefs, my sickness on the tree.
I am risen, I am risen from the grave,
Of my sins, my griefs, my sickness, and the waves
Of the resurrection life, and holy power
Thrill my being with His new life every hour.
Now the lightnings of God’s Spirit burn my soul,
Flames of His divine compassion o’er me roll,
Lightning power of God’s own Spirit strikes the power of hell.
God in man, Oh Glory! Glory! all the story tell.
I have proved Him, I have proved Him. It is true,
Christ’s dominion yet remaineth, ‘tis for you,
Let the fires of holy passion sweep your soul.
Let the Christ who death has conquered take control.
He will use you, He will use you. Zion yet has Saviours still,
Christ the Conqueror only waiteth for the action of your will.
Given in tongues by the Holy Ghost to John G. Lake,
at 2 a.m. June 18th, 1910. Cookhouse C. C. South Africa