Diary Entries

Editor’s note: In this diary section, we have retained John G. Lake's original capitalization.

[This first entry was not dated.]


In October 1907 the Lord in His goodness baptized me with the Holy Ghost after several months of deep heart searching and repentance unto God at the home of a friend.  In company with Brother Thomas Hezmalhalch, was called to my home at Zion City, Ill., to invite me to accompany him to pray for a sister who was an invalid and had been in a wheelchair for a number of years.

As we entered the home, I felt a great calm resting upon me.  I did not feel to join in the conversation. Brother Tom proceeded to instruct the sister from the Word concerning healing, and I sat in a deep leather chair on the opposite side of the room.  My soul was drawing out in a great silent heart cry to God.  O Jesus, I so long for the baptism of the Holy Ghost, but I feel so unworthy, so far from thee.  O Christ, if it be possible to baptize such as me, please baptize me.  I am so hungry, so tired of trying, so weary of doing things myself.  I am sick of sin, sick of self, sick of trying, sick of working, etc.etc.

Presently, a great quiet came upon me deepening rapidly into a peace such as I had never before known or experienced-a quiet of spirit, soul, and body.  My being was soothed in a perfect calm, so deep, so quiet.  My mind was perfectly still.  I said, “O, Jesus, what is this-the calm of God?  Is this the baptism of the Holy Ghost?”  Presently, it seemed as if I had passed under a warm tropical rain that was falling not upon me, but through me.  The realization of peace was such as I had never known.  The rain continued to fall upon me.  O, the rest of soul.  O, the quiet of God. O, the peace of that hour.  The peace-I cannot describe-that passeth all understanding.  This condition of peace so great I feared to breathe.  It was as the silence of heaven.  The saving rain continued to fall upon me.  It soothed my brain.  It soothed my body.  It soothed my spirit.  Would it ever stop? I feared it 78 might.  I said, “O God, I did not know there was such a place of rest as this.”

Then I became conscious of a change coming over me.  Instead of the rain, currents of power were running through me from my head to my feet, seemingly into the floor.  These shocks of power came intermittently, possibly ten seconds apart.  They increased in voltage until, after a few minutes, my frame shook and vibrated under these mighty shocks of power.  Then as I shook and trembled, the shocks of power followed each other with more apparent rapidity an intensity.  My forehead became sealed. My brain in the front portion of my head became inactive, and I realized the spirit speaking of His seal in their foreheads.  I could have fallen on the floor except for the depth of the chair in which I sat.

Again a change.  The shocks of power lessened in intensity and now have taken hold of my lower jaw.  It moved up and down and sidewise in a manner new to me.  My tongue and throat began to move in a manner I could not control.  Presently, I realized I was speaking in another tongue, a language I had never learned.  O, the sense of power.  The mighty moving of the Spirit in me.  The consciousness it was God who had come.

Then Satan came and suggested, “It is not real power.  It is only imagination.  There are not currents of real power.  It is only physic phenomena.”

I said, “It’s power.  I know it, and God in His loving mercy proved it to me.” At this point Brother Tom, not yet having observed what the Lord had been doing with and to me, motioned me to come to pray with the sick woman.  As I stood up I was trembling so violently I was afraid to put my hands upon her head.  Knowing the honeycombed state of the bone in many rheumatic cripples, I was afraid lest the trembling of my body might dislocate the rigid neck. It occurred to me to touch the top of her head with the tips of my fingers only.

Permitting the joints of my fingers to be as thus, no jar to the sick one was [illegible].  As I touched her head I could feel the currents of power shoot through me into her.  Brother Tom was still so engaged with the sister, he had not yet observed that Jesus had baptized me.  I opened my mouth wide, thus not permitting the moving of my 79 tongue to produce sound.  Presently, Brother Tom said, “Let us pray,” at the same instant.

Taking one of the sister’s hands, at that instant a shock of power shot through me and down through the sister into Brother Tom.  He instantly dropped her hand and drew back, apparently not realizing what had happened.  He again lifted the hand and started to pray.  As he prayed the Spirit deepened on me.  I could keep the sounds back no longer and as I prayed the Spirit prayed through.

[This entry is undated, but it seems to follow the previous one.]

…me in another tongue unknown to me.  For years I had been used of God in laying hands on the sick.  God had given wonderful healing at times, but there was no seeming continuity of healing power.  As I prayed the Spirit said, “What shall I give you?”

I said, “O Jesus, my soul has coveted the gift of healing.”  And I felt that henceforth, God would use me in that ministry.

Following my baptism in the Holy Ghost came six months of the most fighting’s, sometimes victory, sometimes defeat, sometimes awful chords and soul storms, with Glimpses of God’s sunshine.  The Spirit talked to me of going up.  “All.”  I did not know what that would mean, but I, brothers and sisters, when we say all to Jesus it means much.  My home, business position among men, friends, family, even my dear wife could not at this time understand.  God said, “Go and preach.”

I said, “I will nights, but I must go on with my business.”  After some months, I found my interest in commercial and worldly affairs was passing away.  A man would come into my office.  I could not think of his money.  I could only think of his soul.  O, was he saved?  Could I bring him to Jesus?  And many times, it ended in my telling him of this wonderful Savior and having to pray instead of talking business at all.  O beloved, when the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Ghost is His Spirit.  He loves them still.  He loves through you.  Again, the Lord said, “Follow Me,” and like Matthew, I closed my office, arose, and followed Him.

Some months before I was baptized, I sat in a cottage meeting at the home of Brother Fred Bosworth.  Brother Tom was preaching.  At the close of the meeting, he came to me and said, “Brother, what is your name?”

I said, “John Lake.”

He replied, “John Lake, as I was preaching, Jesus told me, John and I are going to preach together.”

I laughed, replying lightly, “I wish it were so, but I can’t preach.  I am not where I ought to be with God.”

He said, “Never mind.  Jesus is going to fix you up.”  Some months later as he visited our town again, one day I joined Brother Tom and Brother Fred Bosworth on the sidewalk.  As we walked down the street, I stepped between them, taking each by the arm.  Brother Bosworth turned to me, sauing, “Lake, when are you going to surrender to Jesus?”

I said, “Anytime, Fred.”

Tom turned to me saying, “Do you mean it!”

I replied, “I do, Tom.”  We all three fell on our knees on the sidewalk and right there I surrendered to my Lord.  Then I sought God for sanctification and my Baptism in the Holy Ghost.

One day about April 1st, 1908, I went to Indianapolis, Indiana, for a ten-day visit with Brother Tom, who was preaching there.  Ten I assisted in the services and work.  While visiting at the home of a Brother Osborne, as we prayed before retiring, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and God talked to me concerning Africa.

From my childhood I had been much interested in Africa, especially South Africa, and for years I had felt that one day God would send me to Africa, but never possessing what I regarded as the Divine Equipment necessary for a successful Christian worker, I had banished the thought and stifled the voice within.  Then I now had a large family – myself, my wife, and seven children.  The way seemed impossible.  God gave me at this time a spiritual vision of Africa, especially of the Zion work there, so accurate that when I arrived in Africa four months later, I found it correct in every detail.  As my ten-day visit closed, I found myself being drawn strongly to return at once to my business, but God would not give me liberty to do this.  And this has always been to me one of the strange working of God in my life.

My affairs needed my personal attention much.  It seemed suicidal to put my complicated business into another’s hands to close up.  As I said, being overpowered with desire to return to my office and put my affairs in shape, I decided to do so, and then commenced spiritual and physical chastisement so terrific, I felt as though my reason must surely be dethroned.  While in this turmoil of soul, one day I met Brother Pearse, now of Australia, a precious, godly man.  He said, “Brother Lake, the Lord has been laying it on my heart to invited you to come to my home that we may have an evening of prayer together.”

I said, “I will come tonight at 8 p. m.” I was there.  Brother Pearce, wife, and daughter, and myself made up the praying company.  As we knelt to pray, my soul was in such anguish, I felt I must hear from heaven or die.  Within a short time after kneeling to ray, I felt myself being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit.  Then commenced the most vivid spiritual experience of my life.

The Lord brought to my remembrance from my childhood on ever occasion when He had tried to woo me to His way, and I had turned to my own way instead.  I the many, many times He had called when I did not heed, times long since forgotten by me.  I, how He showed me His love for me.  His anxiety to help, but I would not.  He showed me the lost world, dying souls, the sick, and suffering, saying, “All this I did for thee.  What hast thou done for Me?”  until my heart broke in anguish.  I cried and told Him I would go all the way with Him, even unto death.  Then the Spirit said, “Will you go?”

I said, “Yes, Lord, anyplace, anywhere.  But O, Jesus, the burden must be Yours.  The responsibility Yours.”  Then a series of visions of different cities came before me.  First of Zion City, Ill., where the glory of God overshadowed the old Dr. Dowie Tabernacle in Shilvapor as a heavenly light and radiated out over the entire city.  O, what a Spirit of Prayer was in me.  My soul flowed out in a cry for the lost and perishing world.  Then He showed me the downtown district of the city of Indianapolis, Ind., and the same Illumination of God’s glory, only in a smaller compass.  This I understood to be the extent of God’s blessing on each place through our ministry.  Then Johannesburg, South Africa, and a wonderful illumination of God’s glory lighting up the whole land.  My soul continued to pour out in a stream of prayer.  Then two other places were shown.  Again, I heard the voice, “Will you go?” 

“Yes, yes!”  I cried, “If You will prepare and equip me and go with me.”  I prayed.  “When will I go?”

The Lord said, “Now.”

Again I prayed, “Where will I go?” And at once commenced to roll from my mouth in another tongue a single word repeated over and over, perhaps twenty times.  I said, “Lord, what is it?  What does this word mean?”  And at once, the interpretation came, Indianapolis.  I cried, “Lord, I will go!”  I’ll go at once!” When I arose from my knees it was to find the household in great fear, believing I must have lost my reason.  I comforted them, assuring it was God.  On looking at my watch, I was amazed to find I had been on my knees for four hours.  The first time in my life such a thing had occurred.

I returned to my own home and told my dear wife.  The Spirit so rested upon me that I spoke in tongues or prayed the entire night.  In the morning, I packed my suitcase and went to Indianapolis, where I joined Brother Tom in his meetings.  As I entered the Hall, he said, “I knew you were coming.  Take a seat here by me.”  The following night as I stood to testify, the Spirit impelled me to say, “Brother Tom thinks he is going to Colorado, but he is not.  He is coming to Zion City with me.”

Tom laughed, saying, “Not unless the Lord sends me.”

I replied, “You will hear from heaven.”  Some days later while he was praying, the Lord told him to go.  O, what a wonderful series of meetings.  That was how God poured out His Spirit at one meeting in the upper room of Brother Hammond’s Faith home, The Haven.  Twenty-five were baptized in the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues.  In perhaps twenty minutes the Spirit of God fell on the meeting like a cloud.  Instantly, one after another commenced to speak in tongues. O, what glory.  O, what high praises of God.  O, what rejoicing.  It was estimated that several hundred received the baptism of the Holy Ghost during this series of services lasting, I think in all, about six months.

One day in October, I went out with a young man to saw down a large tree for firewood.  I had been praying about guidance for future work for the Lord for some days, believing my mission at Zion City to be fulfilled, when again the Spirit spoke to me and said, “ Go to Indianapolis, rent a large hall, prepare for a winter campaign, and in the spring you will go to Africa.”  I again obeyed with out question.  On arriving there, I found a little company of saints holding an occasional meeting in a small hall.  I told them what the Lord had said and God witnessed to them.  It was His message.

We had no money, but we believed God, we prayed, and in a few days had no less than $100 handed in for the Lord’s use.  We commenced the work in a large hall and from the first, God greatly blessed in saving, healing, and baptizing many in the Holy Ghost.  An operation of God occurred at this time.  I feel it good to record.  For many months Brother Tom and myself had been praying for greater power for the healing of the sick and the casting out of demons.  At this time, one morning in coming to breakfast, I found I could not eat, but felt well. At noon it was the same, this continual [illegible] great desire to pray came upon [illegible]. On the evening of the 4th and 5 day, as I knelt to pray, the Spirit of God spoke to me and said, “From here after thou shalt cast out demons.”

On the following night a young man came to me inquiring, “Do you believe the motto up there?” pointing to a painted motto in large letters on the wall.  It was, “In My Name shall they cast out Devils.”

I said, “Yes, Brother, I do.”

He said, “Are you sure, for I am in earnest?”

I replied, “My Brother, with all the earnestness of my soul.”

“Well.” He replied, “I have a brother in the asylum.  He has been there two years and the doctors cannot give us any hope or, in fact, seem to be at a loss to explain the reasons for his condition.”  I then inquired under what circumstances his brother had went in.  He told me that the brother had been attending a revival meeting and was seeking sanctification and was a religious man who had trained his family in the fear of the Lord.  That he had suddenly went insane.  They had to put him in the asylum.  His family was in great financial distress.

The Spirit of the Lord impressed me it was a case of devil possession, and we arranged the brother should be brought to the meeting Sunday afternoon.  HE came in charge of his brother, his sister, and an attendant.  He came at once and was persuaded to kneel at the altar.  I then called a number of saints whom I knew to be vigorous in faith for healing and casting out of demons.  Brother and Sister Flower, their son, Roswell, Miss Alice Reynolds, and others.  Then I stepped down, put my hands on his head and rebuked, bound, and cast the devil out.  He was instantly delivered and sat up quietly.  Three days after, he was discharged from the asylum and went home well, returned to his work in a grain elevator.  Four months afterward, his mother, sister, and brother returned to the mission to praise God, saying he was perfectly, permanently delivered.  The power to cast out demons continues to abide upon me.

Thursday, November 24, 1910

A remarkable case of casting out a devil took place after the evening service.  A Mr. Cornelious, possessed of a devil for about one-and-a-half years, said that in a vision, God showed him Brother Gordon Hinds and said he was to come to our tabernacle, and that Brother Hinds an Brother Lake would lay hands on him and cast the devil out.  We did.  As we prayed, he fell backward on top of the platform,  then slipped down into a sitting [position] on the floor with his back  against the platform.  The devil caused him to cry out and fight with his fists, but in a few minutes,  he was overpowered by the Holy Ghost cast out, the glory and praise of Jesus filled his soul.  In a few minutes the Holy Ghost [had] such a possession of him that he spoke in tongues and praised Jesus.

Sunday, November 27, 1910

Brother Heroldt brought a young man who had been ill from sunstroke to the tabernacle from Potschfstroom.  He had suffered for six months with violent pains in his head.  The dear Lord healed him.  Myself and Brother Van der Wall and Brother Heroldt prayed and laid hands on him.  The morning service was a glorious one indeed.  Bels God.  The Holy Ghost so moved on people’s hearts that the hymns, announcements, testimonies, and messages were all in one spirit and [we] thought [it was] as though a program had been arranged beforehand.

Evening service, a large audience.  Message on, “In My Name Shall They Cast out Devils.”  Testimonies revealed that during the week, five men had been baptized in the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues.  Also one woman.

Monday, November 28, 1910

I was called by Brother Hunt to come to his home at once.  A woman was in violent fists of insanity.  I hastened to the home.  As we prayed, the dear Lord cast out the insane devils and when I left, she was laying quiet and preparing to sleep.  It was a glorious deliverance.  The spirit came upon me, giving me a great and intense sense of dominion. Brother & Sister Hunt and Brother Rothchild had been praying with her for hours but had not sufficient dominion to cast the devil out.  But being encouraged by my presence, [they] prayed with great power.  The Lord united our hearts in a great unity of faith.  The woman’s name was Farmer.

Monday night, beautiful conversion of a young man at tabernacle.  The spirit came on Brother Scott Moffat.  He had a beautiful vision of Jesus holding His hands to him.  Brother Moffat is a Wesleyan local preacher.

Tuesday, November 29, 1910

I visited Mrs. Dockrall’s rooms at 56 Mosley Building, Johannesburg, overlooking the market square.  The Duke of Connaught with the Duchess and Princes Patrick were visitors in the city.  The Duke was laying the cornerstone.  Three thousand school children dressed in white occupied the grandstand and sang.  About 1pm we started downstairs to the restaurant.  Mrs. Dockrall was in front and was down about five or six steps when she was seized with a violent spasm of pain.  Her husband took her back to the room.  I went down and ate dinner and returned to Dockrall’s rooms.  As I started upstairs, I was joined by Brother Gordon Hinds.

We found Mrs. Dockrall suffering violently.  She was walking about apparently quite insane.  We tried to get her to permit us to pray for her, but she refused.  Being persuaded she was not responsible for her actions, we took hold of her and prayed.  As we prayed, she became prostrated by the Spirit and we laid her on the bed.  God answered.  The violent suffering ceased, but there remained a considerable pain throughout the afternoon.

At about 6 p.m., as I prayed, the Spirit came upon me intensely.  I could feel the Spirit flow down my arm and through my hand into her body.  I was praying, and as I prayed, laid my hands on the afflicted part.  She became calm.  Her pain ceased at once and passed under the power of God.  Jesus appeared to her and warned her to be brave and strong, that she was not yet entirely delivered, that  her suffering would return.  She remained free from pain and slept till 1am, when her suffering returned with great violence.

In the morning, when I came out to breakfast, a telegram from Mr. Dockrall.  My home was at 4 Millbourn Road, Bertams, Johannesburg, about two-and -a-half miles from Dockralls.  Said Helen had bad night.  Come.  Signed, Ben Dockrall.  I prostrated down, prayed again.  The intense suffering ceased.  At 10 a.m. a most violent attack came upon her.  She begged one to get her morphine, to bring a doctor, etc.  I refused and fought the devil with all my power.  At the end of one hour, I sent her brother-in-law to call the saints to prayer, for [her].  At about 12 p.m. Mrs. Dockrall suddenly became conscious, turned to me as I knelt at her bedside, and said,  “The Spirit of the Lord is upon you,” and instantly I realized it was.  Again the healing virtue flowed through me.  Again the pain ceased.  Again Jesus came in a vision to her with a sword in His hand, fighting enemies.  She asked the Lord, “Why do You need a sword:  Why do You have to fight? The Lord said, “For you.”  When the Spirit of God left her, the peace and glory of God remained upon her.  I called again at night with Brother Powell and found her recovering.

Wednesday, November 30, 1910

At the tabernacle meeting a widow lady, Mrs. Bovell, came in great distress, knelt at the altar, and cried, “My baby, about two-and-a-half years old, is dying.  I want you to pray.  Won’t you pray?”  We all went to prayer.  The devil powers were very active.  A mighty  spirit of rebuke in the Spirit came on me.  The baby was at Mrs. Fireslick home, 30 Lilian Road, Findeburg.  The Dr. said it was poisoned, having eaten it somehow.  We prayed.  My spirit seemed to grapple with the Devil.  He was overthrown.  I felt it and as we arose, I said to her, “Go on home, dear sister. Look up.  Your baby is all right.”  She egged me to come in the morning, and I did, an found that as we prayed at the tabernacle the night before, the child had fallen sound asleep, was healed and well and walking about.  Mrs. Bosman, Mrs. Fireslick, and myself knelt and gave thanks to God for His goodness.

Thursday, December 1, 1910

In the afternoon, I called on Mrs. Dockrall an found her almost entirely well and we praised God.  I then went to Kruegersdorg.  Mrs. Stuart was very anxious to see and talk with me concerning Mrs. Garnine, a woman at Roundfountain Central Halt who was given up to die of cancer of the womb.  The Drs. Said months ago they could do nothing for her.  She went to England for treatment, grew worse, and almost died on the return voyage.  I had been to pray with her twice.  Mrs. Stuart, Gordan Hinds, and Brother Frisby also had been to pray for her.  I felt the burden of her case rested on the Saints at Kruegersdorg.  God answered prayer in a great degree for her, so that at different times two large sections of the cancer passed from the body.  Mrs. Stuart will visit her today an bring me the last section of cancer and I will have [Entry ends here and then picks up].

Brother Oliphant, native overseer, called to report the baptism in water of seventeen native people at Vreyhead Natal on Sunday, November 27, 1910.  Also the consecration of five children.

Received letter from Brother Sam Hulley, Cook house, C.C., telling of baptism in Holy Ghost of Brother C. Watson and wife and another young lady.  Also of water baptism of four colored people.  Also of the baptism in water of his Mrs. Hulley an baptism in the Holy Ghost of a Sister Robinson at Somerset.

Friday, December 2, 1910

Came in from Kruegersdorg where I had been all night.  Stopped with Brother & Sister Stuart and was greatly blessed by conversing with them.  Our fellowship was sweet in God.  Attended Court after dinner.  James Marisall, charged by our tabernacle as a disturber of the peace was discharged.

Saturday, December 3, 1910

Mrs. Stuart wired me to go to Roundfountain Central Halt to see Mrs. Ganie and pray.  Found her resting in God but had no assurance of ultimate victory for her healing.  Brother Van der Wall went with me and told me of a case of casting out of a devil that occurred at our tabernacle in Johannesburg on Thursday eve last, when I was absent at Kruegersdorg.  A man, a train conductor, said that a man appeared to him on the train.  His own double.  Talked with him at one station.  That double collected 7 tickets and brought them to him and another 5 tickets, then together they drank from a pint bottle of whiskey.

The man was in great agony.  Brother Van der Wall, Sister Welsh, and Mrs. Van der Wall went into the back room, the vestry, and prayed for him.  Brother Van der Wall says he prayed several times, commanding the devil to leave the man, when suddenly he left in a blue flame, visible to all in the room, and disappeared through the door.  Then the people rejoiced and praised God. 

While on the train, we me Brother Van Schele who told us of meeting a woman, Mrs. [name does not appear], who was healed of inflammation of her lungs-double pneumonia.  Very bad.  Brother and Sister Van der Wall had gone to pray for her on Sunday and she was greatly relieved.  On Tuesday, Brother Van der Wall and myself went to pray for her and God entirely healed her.  Brother Van Schele had written a policy on her son-in-law’s life and while calling, the old lady told him how Jesus healed her.  They were living with their daughter, Mrs. [name does not appear], Royal cottages, Longlaagte deep mine.

Sunday, December 4, 1910

Today was communion service in the morning at the Tabernacle.  The Spirit of God was greatly present.  Among the testimonies was one by a young Brother Heroldt of Potschffs, whom the church prayed about two weeks ago.  He was run over by a cart and left unconscious, was carried home.  His wife would not have a doctor, but trusted God. Telegrams were sent to pray.  God heard and answered.  The doctors decided he must be operated on to remove the vast quantities of clotted blood, but he refused medical attendance all together.  His soul was overflowing with gratitude, and instantly upon giving his testimony, knelt down on the platform and invited the congregation to join him in a prayer of thanksgiving to God.

A little child was prayed for who was ill of rheumatic fever.  Mrs. Bovell, whose baby was healed when dying on November 30, was present and praised God for the healing of her child.  Evening service at tabernacle:  Two native men were present.  A delegation from the African Catholic Church, consisting of the Bishop of their church and his chief advisor, who is a grandson of the old Christian Baralong Chief Inoroco of JhaBanchu.  They wanted to join our mission and receive the apostolic faith teaching.  I spoke briefly on the work of our mission.  Brother Van der Wall [spoke] of the native work and the eighteen churches.  These native brethren represented and then Brother Scott Moffat, a Wesleyan Methodist local preacher, gave a striking testimony of how on the night of November 28, at the evening service at the tabernacle, the Spirit of God fell on him, Prostration him on the floor for two hours.  While there, the Lord showed him a beautiful stairway of wonderful architecture reaching from earth inot infinitude and a beautiful figure in white floating down the stairs (not walking).  As he approached, he saw it was the Lord.

Mr. Lind, who was an embezzler of a great sum of money from banks in Finland, was converted, confessed his sin, and was forgiven.  He used to come to my home, 4 Milbourn Road, every Thursday evening for months for prayer.  I only prayed and waited for God to deal with him.  Bless God He did.  He was gloriously saved, has a fine position of trust, and is a most devout man.  His wife was an invalid for many years.  No medical aid would avail.  Jesus healed her thoroughly as we prayed, about two years ago.

Brother Welsh, a dear Brother from Cape Town raised in a Methodist family, who has been wonderfully baptized in the Holy Ghost, speaks in tongues.  The glory of God rests on his soul.

Henrey Dockrall, one of our workers, who was wonderfully saved from a vile life and Baptized in the Holy Ghost.  He told of how the dear Lord was using and saving souls in his work at Boksburg North.

Rev. R. H. Van der Wall, a minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, he sinned, was expelled, became a drunkard, but Jesus saved him after we met him.  He is now my chief assistant and secretary of the Apostolic Faith Mission executive council.  God has wonderfully used him, saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost.

Mrs. R. H. Vander Wall, his wife, a miracle of the healing power of God, who was healed of God when in a state of coma after the doctors had given her up to die.  She was prayed for and our Lord in His love healed her, to the amazement of the doctors.  Saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost.  Glory to God.

Maggie Truter, Mrs. Van der Wall’s daughter, who in my own home in June 190[].  She was violently ill for a long time.  After several weeks’ illness, one night the death rattle came into her throat.  She kissed her parents and brother good-bye, the as death came upon her she roused and sang very faintly the first verse of “Jesus Lover of my Soul.”

Jesus Lover of my Soul

Let me to thy bosom fly,

While the nearer waters roll,

 While the tempest still is high,

Hide me, O my Savior hide,

‘Till the storms of life is past,

Safe into the haven guide,

O, receive my soul at last.

As she sang, her voice died away.  The death rattle ceased.  Her breathing apparently stopped and so far as human judgment went, she seemed to be dead-have seen many die.  As this went on, a strange operation was going on in my spirit.  I seemed  to see her leave the body and rise upward.  She kept getting further away, very slowly.  It seemed to me that  I was holding her spirit by a grip with my spirit.   The Holy Ghost was upon me in power.  After a time, I realized she was getting out of my control.  I roused myself, prayed with more fervency, and finally with command I said, “You are not going away in the name of Jesus Christ.  Come back.”  My spirit seemed to seize her and forcible compel her return.  Presently, I heard her mother say, “O, see she is trying to breath.”  Then in a little while, she was breathing easily,.  God had heard.  The blood availed; Christ was conqueror.

On examination, we found she had been apparently dead 35 minutes.  I have never felt free to say she was really dead, as there was no doctor present, but firmly believe if she had not been held by prayer, she would never have breathed again.  Her spirit, I believe, had already left the body.  Today she is quite well and strong.  I visited with her this evening and conversed with her about it.  Praise to our Loving Christ.  She is saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost.

Mr. Jones, who had been a great drunkard, was present with his wife and sister-in-law.  Since his conversion, he has been a dear faithful brother and his gratitude to God has been blessedly marked.

There was a very fine evening audience.  It is really wonderful how our audiences have kept up, considering how the devil through Cooper, Bowie, Gillis, etc. have tried to destroy the work.

Monday, December 5, 1910

Monday at the night meeting a sister was converted.  Her brother had been converted the previous Monday night.  Spent day among the sick.

Tuesday, December 6, 1910

Meeting at tabernacle in the evening.  Terrible rainstorm.  Only about 40 were able to be present.  I was struck in looking over the audience to note how that most of them were real miracles of salvation and healing and showed how God uses the ministry of healing to get souls saved.  Davidson Brown, pianist and soloist.  Saved drunkard. Peter Moffat, my brother-in-law (soloist), wonderfully healed.  Mrs. Jones, a rheumatic cripple, healed by the Holy Ghost.  Mr. Jones saved, drunkard.

Mrs. Jones was a great sufferer.  Many years of chronic rheumatism.  Medical aid availed naught.  Jesus impressed her to pray for her baptism in the Holy Ghost.  When she received the Spirit and spoke in tongues to her own astonishment, she found also that God had healed her through and through as she lay under the power of God on the  vestry floor.  The Lord made it plain to her to pray for the baptism of the Holy Ghost and then she would be healed also.  Bless God.

Mrs. Hirak, her sister, recently saved.  Miss Wick, my stenographer, saved ad baptized in the Holy Ghost before I met her in America when there in 1909. She came to Africa with me and has been a faithful stenographer and a good Christian worker.  Many have been saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost under her ministry since she came. God bless her.

Brother A. E. Sharpe, a dear brother saved from drunkenness about three months ago on the market square at an open air meeting.  Now baptized in the Holy Ghost and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, especially to the natives at Brakpan.

His son, Brother Sharpe Jr. , saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost, a fine young worker.

G.H. Moore, a noble young miner, true to God and a faithful worker in our mission, his testimony was a great blessing.

Wm. May, a young man who was saved and is now organist at Central Tabernacle.

Scott Moffat, a Methodist local preacher who is being led out into the deeper life in God and whom God uses in the Word and Spirit to the salvation of souls.  He had a wonderful vision of Jesus recently that has left a profound impression for good on his life.

Brother Welsh, a Methodist brother, recently sanctified and baptized in the Holy Ghost who is filled with the glory and praise of God.  His life seems to be covered in the glory of baptism in the Holy Ghost.  He recently was given by the Lord a vision of Jesus coming in the clouds with myriads of angels attending.

John Guthrie, a precious brother in the Lord, who is seeking God for a deeper life in the Holy Ghost.

Fred E. Mapstone, a dear young brother, saved and sanctified and baptized in the Holy Ghost.

H. G. Birkigt, a dear brother, now caretaker of Central Tabernacle.

Mrs. Birkigt his wife, people blessedly saved in whose home many have been helped toward God.

Brother E. E. Bringk, a dear brother who related how that he had brought a young man to the tabernacle who was afflicted with a Guinea worm in his foot.  Brother Lake prayed for him saying, “Take off you shoe.”  It was in the foot and was said to encircle the foot 10 times in the flesh.  When the worm was active, the torture was terrible.  After prayer, he never felt it again.  Jesus had killed it.  The yourn man was a friend of Brink’s.  Through this, Brink himself was aroused and baptized in the Holy Ghost.

M.A. Cullinan, a lady worker in the mission, a devout woman formerly connected with the Salvation Army.

Wednesday, December 7, 1910

Called to Park Town North just at time for a meeting.  Called Brother Powell to take the service and accompanied the messenger to Park Town North.  We were met by Mrs. Gouse, Mr. & Mrs. Boswell accompanied me to a home where we found the woman had been seized with fits of violent vomiting.  She had given birth to a child a few days previous.  Her condition was very serious.  The medical nurse who attended her was greatly astonished to see how [God] answered prayer for the woman, and it gave a blessed opportunity to teach her of Jesus and His power to save from sin and heal from all disease.  She pledged me to come and pray for other patients.

I remained at Mrs. Gouse’s at Park Town North and in the morning went to pray for a man, Fioushe, sick of [illegible] Phigtis very bad.  He had received partial healing when previously prayed for.  His heart was very bad and the left lung was very, very bad.  His suffering ceased as we prayed, and he was immediately able to breathe down deep into the bottom of his lungs.  He was very, very grateful to God.

Thursday, December 8, 1910

Returned to my home, where I received my American mail.  One letter from Brother Studd contained an offering of $120 American Currency (24 Guineas English).  Also, two letters written from Africa by charge me with a vileness of misappropriating funds, of all manner of evil machinations, etc. etc.  But none of these things are worthy to be reckoned in comparison with the knowledge of God through Christ Jesus our Lord.  Another letter from Brother Garr contained $50. Another $[illegible] form a Brother Eaton of Winnipeg, Canada.  At the tabernacle service Thursday night, it was a very sweet service with nothing out of the ordinary.  Mrs. Arlow of Whurter, instantly healed of violent internal inflammation.

Friday, December 9, 1010

Worked at office.  It was too wet at night for meeting at Fiordsburg as arranged.

Saturday, December 10,1910

 Worked at office. Heavy rains preventing open air meetings at night.

Sunday, December 11, 1910

Morning service was a baptism service.  Ten candidates, eight European and then two native brothers who said they had come from far.  I preached on baptism from Matthew 3.  Brother Van der Wall gave charge to candidates.  Brother Geo. Nlyate performed ceremony.  Prayed for several sick at close of service.

Monday, December 12, 1910

Worked at Miss Wick’s office dictating letters till noon and at Mrs. Dockrall’s office till night.  God out important letters for overseas mail.

Tuesday, December 13, 1910

Dictated letters during forenoon with Miss Wick.  In the afternoon, I went to Mrs. Dockrall’s but the Spirit of God fell on us as we talked and we spent most of the afternoon in and we spent most of the afternoon in meditation and prayer.  Had a blessed time and God revealed to me His desire for an absolutely abandoned condition of our life to Him, especially for one month with prayer and abstinence and meditation.  The Holy Ghost promised to use us mightily.  The Spirit of God told her to read the book of Nehemiah, about the manner of working on the walls, chapter 4:16 and 17 was the special message.  At night my sister Irene (Mrs. Moffat), who cares for my home, and I went to Jeppestown, to the Jeppe school to pray for Mrs. Robert Bruce.  Very sick of bloody flux.  God touched her instantly as we prayed and when we ceased praying, all pain had left.  We returned at 10:30 p.m. God has been very near this afternoon.  Praise His name.  It has been a blessed day, notwithstanding I received a letter from Mrs. L. telling me that Mr. M. had charged me with the very vilest possible actions to her at her house.  O bless God, beloved Jesus can take the sting out of our hearts.

Wednesday, December 14, 1910

Received a splendid representative mailing from ten different points throughout the country giving news of the work, from Ladybrand, from Cape Town, from Blvenfontein, Eastport, etc.  And was much blessed in reading reports.  Wrote a long letter to Brother McClean of Jamaica, British West Indies.  On calling Miss Wick, I learned that Brother Welsh had been given liberty in tongues in language last night.  Also that Brother Scott Moffat had received his baptism in the Holy Ghost at his home last evening, for which I praise God.  In the evening I went to Boksburg North, to open the new tent meetings there.  There was a very nice audience and God blessed.

Thursday, December 15, 1910

I have just had a call from Brother Van der Wall who told me that last night at the central tabernacle, Johannesburg, while I was at Boksburg, a woman was instantly healed of a paralyzed arm as Brother Vander Wall, Brother Scott Moffat, and Sister Hunt prayed for her.  At the close of the meeting she said her arm was quite well and natural.  Praise be to our God.  Forever would that all men knew Jesus the Healer.  I received today mail from Los Angeles, California, USA, containing copies of letters written by false brethren here.  These letters had been sent  worldwide denouncing me as all that was wicked and unholy.  I also received a most unholy letter from one George Bowie, a man who apparently is or ws a Christian worker of some kind, but who seems to be consumed with envy and jealousy.  This is the opinion of all the American brethren with whom I am closely associated who assure of their confidence.

Friday, December 16, 1910

Spent the day dictating to stenographers.  Getting out our mail. Nothing of more than ordinary interest occurred.  Find myself suffering much from brain fatigue on account of overwork.


Saturday, December 17, 1910

Still working on my mail for overseas.  Received a beautiful letter from a Brother Hoover, an American missionary stationed at Valparaiso, Chile, South America, telling of God’s revival there, of his people being baptized in the Holy Ghost, etc.  Asking us to pray for his own ad his wife’s baptism.  He says he has a Pentecostal Assembly of 450 people.

Sunday, December 18,1910

Had a very sweet morning service.  Brother Van der Wall preached.  In afternoon, I went to simmer & Jack Mine hospital to pray for Brother Jones, sick of double pneumonia.  Had no evidence of immediate healing, but assurance that he would recover.  Evening service was very blessed.  Large, splendid audience.  Brother Scott Moffat and Brother Welsh were ordained as evangelist.  A brother from Rustenburg was converted.  Also prayed for a number of sick and the Lord healed them.

Monday, December 19,1910

Dictated overseas mail all day.  Did not go to evening meeting on account of weariness.  Have been warned by the Holy Ghost of impending troubles coming soon.  In a conversation with Mrs. Dockrall as we walked on the street she said, “O, I feel as if the devil was working.  The air is full of murder and suicide.”  At the very time or half an hour after, a Mr. Bower shot his wife dead and then shot himself.  Both of them was dead in a few minutes.  The Holy Ghost continues to forewarn us of difficulty and trouble ahead.

Tuesday, December 20, 1910

Avery bust day.  Was called in company with Brother Powell to pray for a Mrs. Newbold of 26 Browning Street, Jeppes, who was given up by the doctors.  She had Bright’s disease.  As we prayed, God wonderfully touched her body and she was instantly relieved of all pain and much blessed in her soul.  Later I was called to pray for Mr. Gure at 20 Crown Street, Jeppes, suffering from rheumatism all over his body, but especially in his head and left shoulder.  I laid my hands on his head and cast the devil out.  As I ceased praying, I said, “Where is your pain?”  He found it quite gone and praised and glorified God.

Thursday, December 22, 1910

This is the second anniversary of my darling wife’s death.  Her maiden name was Jennie Stephens.  We were married February 5, 1891, at Millington, Illinois, USA.  She was a loving, beautiful wife.  Words can never tell all she was to me.  God gave us a marvelous unity in the spirit.  I worshipped her and she me likewise.  I, will I ever forget when I returned from a missionary tour to find her already 12 hours dead.  My precious wife.  But as I look back over the terrible struggles of planting this work in Africa, I now really feel God in His mercy permitted her to escape this awful time of sorrow and trial and fighting by taking her to heaven.  Lies, blackmail, suggestion of evil of every kind.  They say I am possessed of a devil.  That’s how people are saved and healed, etc. etc.  But Jesus heals the sick and saves the sinful every day and this testimony of God baffles my traducers.  They now openly say it is the devil who heals.

At the evening service the dear Lord gave me a strong message from the entire 9th chapter  of John, on the healing of the blind man.  His cowardly parents, his own testimony, Jesus found him after he was cast out of the synagogue, etc.   A note was sent by Ben Dockrall telling me his wife was very ill.  We found her suffering greatly with a violent headache and contraction of the spinal cord.  As we continued to pray, the Lord instantly touched her.  The chord relaxed.  Her suffering ceased and she was well and praised God.  The Holy Ghost directed me to read for my own comfort Jeremiah, chapter 9, which I take to be a warning to the enemies of God’s work, of His wrath upon them.  I never knew such terrific malice and envy to exist before as is shown by Mr. Cooper, Mr. Bowie, Gillis, and others.

Brother Tom Hezmalhalch and I have preached together.  For several years [we] came together from America, but like Barnabas and Paul, now we separate each to go his own way.  My heart  is grieved and sore on account of his treachery, but feel it due to him to say it was the influence upon him of other false brethren, especially E. M. Scurrah, a bold, vile man.  His letters written to America damaging my character and the character of others have been returned to me.  I never knew a professing Christian could do and write such things.  How Satan has blinded their eyes.  They cannot see God or His work for prejudice.  How frail we mortals be.  What patience God show toward us all, teaching us to be charitable with one one another.

I bear no malice.  Jesus won’t let me.  I only desire to go on my own way unmolested and pray God’s blessing on them all.

Friday, December 23,1910

Received and interviewed workers from different parts of the field.  Said good-by to native ministers going to the Kronstad and other meetings.  Helped them as I could with money for fares, etc.  God has wonderfully helped me in this matter as my money wet down.  He sent in two pounds from a friend when it was gone.  Sister Dockrall gave me two pounds given by Brother May of Roundfountain Estates, to her for me.  So I have been able to put all our workers on the train.  In the afternoon, the Council met the brethren of Vrededorfs in Joint Council, at which time certain arrangements were made to induce Brother Thomas Hezmalhalch to bring forward signed charges of misconduct of the war of the mission, etc.  And I agreed not to prosecute him in any court on account of the preferment of charges by him.  Or thought was to arrive at the truthfulness of these charges and to make the way clear for him to come forward with same through me.

In a letter from Brother Henrey Dockrall from Boksburg dated Monday last says, “The woman who was sick and who asked for prayer the night you were here,  was healed when your Helen and Mendelsky laid hands on her.”  Praise God.  Mrs. Rensley of 13 Caywood Street, Port Elizabeth, is visiting us for a time.  She suffered with a severe pain in her side for three years and tells me that I prayed for her when I was at Port Elizabeth some months ago and that she was entirely healed.  To God be the glory.  Tonight at the tabernacle service, Mrs. Jones of Germiston, whose husband was sick of double pneumonia at the Simmer and Jack Mine Hospital and for whom we prayed Sunday last, was present praising God for the marvelous healing of her husband last Sunday.  She testified that about an hour after we prayed for him, the Spirit of the Lord came deeply upon him and his disease was gone.  God gave her a beautiful vision of her husband’s healing to comfort her mind and heart and assure her of his healing.  She promised that she would send me a copy of it in writing.

A brother was baptized in the Holy Ghost at the meeting as he sat in his seat.  As he walked into the meeting, I burst out in speech to Miss Wick and others saying, “The Lord will baptize that man in the Holy Ghost tonight.”  During the service, he as baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongues.

Saturday, December 24, 1910

Received Brothers Vanvurean and Van Jonder evangelist.  Brother Van Jonder is a new man in our work.  He was a prisoner of war in Olylon.  A Boer from Africa during the late Boer Wars was baptized in the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues.  On account of the Spirit of God resting upon him, he was thought to be insane and was sent to the hospital.  Jesus revealed to him by a vision that in nine years, he would meet people who baptized by triune immersion and tht he would then be blessed and anointed of God to preach.  Sent a cablegram to my old mother and father at Sault Saint Marie, Michigan, USA, as follows: “Christmas greetings, Lakes, Moffats, everybody fine.”

Went to cottage meeting at Van de By Auckland park.  Had a sweet time of communion.  Returned home at midnight.  My heart has been very lonely today.  My thought was almost continually with my dear wife in heaven.

I, my darling, what dreary days since you went away.  How I praise God for an active mind and body and plenty to do for others that has kept me busy and thereby, kept my soul from being absorbed in the loss of you.  My precious wife.  You were all in all to me.  And though now you have gone to God before me, I bless Him for the 17 years we were permitted to live together here an for our 7 beautiful children that God gave us.  Your memory is sweet today.  Every book, everything about me speaks to me of you.  My own lovely wife.  But as a manly man, I can only go on and wait to meet you when my own time comes and I must finish the work He gave me to do, ere I can come to you.  Our baby Wallace, who was only 18 months old when you went away to heaven, is now a fine boy of three-and-a-half years.

And when you came, you swept the scale with a mighty masters wonderful art.  You made the minor key sob and wail while the low notes rang like a bell in a gale.  And every chord in my heart from the deep bass tones to the shrill ones above joined in that glorious harmony.  Love, all happiness that human heart could know I found with you. And when you went away, the hours became a winding sheet of woe, and make a ghastly phantom of today.  But though the human is lonely, I yet rejoice my darling is with God and sorrow not as those who have no hope, but rejoice that the little while of parting will be over and we shall meet again.



Sunday, December 15, 1910

What memories sweep my soul today.  Overwhelmed at the remembrance of my darling wife’s death,  I laid down and God permitted my tears to flow freely.  As tears always do bring relief, it came.  I went to the morning service and was rejoiced to receive a note from Brother Henry Dockrall of Boksburg telling of the baptism in the Holy Ghost of a young brother there.  Brother Townsend also told me of the baptism in the Holy Ghost of a brother at Brockpan.  Also on Friday, Miss Horack came to tell me that she herself had been baptized in the Spirit on Friday at her own home as she prayed.  I had noticed Thursday night she was almost on the point of receiving the blessed Holy Ghost.  The brother from Vrededorf who was baptized in the Holy Ghost at the Central Tabernacle Thursday night makes four who were baptized in the Holy Ghost that I know of this week.  Bless God.

Mr. Stuart of Kruegersdorg also wrote me of the wonderful healing of Mrs. Wentworth who was insane vey bad and also sick from displacement of the womb.  Mrs. Dockrall and myself went to Crown Station and prayed for her last Monday.  She was very bad.  The devil seemed to have taken complete possession of her.  As I approached her bed, she grew wild saying, “Don’t you pray for me.  Don’t you pray for me.  I don’t want prayer. Don’t touch me,” etc.  After a time, Sister Dockrall succeeded in getting her consent to let me put my hands on her head and pray.  As I did so, the Spirit of God came upon me and I knew the devil was instantly cast out.  In a moment she rose up in bed saying, “Its gone, O, Praise God, its gone.”  Her husband and myself retired from the room and Mrs. Dockrall then laid hands on the afflicted parts and Jesus healed her at once.  She immediately arose and walked and continued well.

Monday, December 26, 1910

Worked on mail for overseas.  In evening went to tabernacle, received a request to come quick to Brother Arlow at 33 Smite Street.  Took Mrs. D. Called a cab and went fast.  Found him suffering violently, apparently with extreme neuralgia.  We prayed .  The pain in body and head instantly ceased, but remained in one tooth.  We prayed again and I put my finger in his mouth on the bad tooth.  God stopped it right there.  Then we went to Mr. Edwin Ammus and prayed for Mrs. Ammus’ mother.  She had a paralyzed arm, the result of an infection of the glands of the throat.  We prayed.  Her suffering ceased, but no  further evidence of healing came.  The gland still remained hard and the arm without power.  We must go again.  Something about her was not clear in the Spirit.  I could disern it in the Spirit.

Tuesday, December 27, 1910

Took bundle of letters and papers to Mrs. Dockrall then went to Bramfontern to call on some of our people.  Found Mr. Arlow at home.  Said he had been well ever since we prayed.  Had prayer with the family after which Mrs. Arlow told me the following story of a remarkable healing.  She said, “About two years ago, my brother-in-law and his wife and myself brought his sister, a Miss Kotse, an imbecile and unable to speak, to the tabernacle.”  I prayed for her and instantly she commenced in tongues and from that time on she retained the power of speech.

About two months ago, the same three came to me after an evening service and asked me to pray for the deliverance of their sister confined in the Pretoria Asylum.  I said to them, “Let us stand here 9we were in the aisle), let us join our hands and hearts and God will deliver her.” The next day, her sister went to see her.  And the authorities said, “She is suddenly well.  We do not understand it, but she is well.”  Later they signed her discharge but just then, her brother was killed in a dynamite explosion and she had no place to go, she [she] still remained at the institution. I purpose going to see her.

I visited Mrs. Philips.  Found her sick in bed.  Prayed for her.  God touched her.  She had formerly been healed of an internal tumor, at the tabernacle.  Her husband, who had been a great drunkard, was saved and they have a happy home.  Praise God.  Henry Dockrall form Boksburg has just called and tells me of the baptism in the Holy Ghost of a Miss Scott this afternoon.  Again we praise Him.

Wednesday, December 28, 1910

Worked at Miss Wick’s office in forenoon.  At Mrs. Dockrall’s office till 2 p.m.  Called on Mrs. Vanderhoff and then took train from Boksburg.  Meeting was in Ms. Word’s home.  The time being wet, four young people came.  Gave their hearts to God, then the Lord baptized Mrs. Morgan in the Holy Ghost and she spike in tongues.  Then a man came forward and gave himself to god.  We had a blessed time, no preaching, the Spirit just fell on all.  Some sang hymns while others prayed and testified.  We returned to Johannesburg in a terrific rain.

Thursday, December 29, 1910

Worked at office.  Received overseas mail.  I notice Brother George B. Studd of Los Angeles writes a strong endorsement of myself and work in the upper room. I received $ 96 in offering from different ones in America today for which I praise God.  At tabernacle meeting tonight an air of sadness seemed to weigh upon us.  I was in the Spirit.  Some were healed.  The Lord seems to be laying a burden of intercession on the people.  At the close of the meeting, Brother Townsend introduced me to a young colored mean who had been baptized in the Holy Ghost on Saturday night in the tabernacle vestry.  Praise God.

Friday, December 30, 1910

Prepared plans for all=-night meeting instead of going to meeting at night.  I went for a walk and finally went to a tea room and conversed for a couple of hours with friends.

Saturday, December 31, 1910

Received workers from different fields coming to the all-night meeting.  Brother Saunders of Blomfontien, Henrey Dockrall, Mr. Morgan and wife, Brother Scombie, Brother Schuman of Middleburg, C.C., Brother  Scott Moffat, Brother Welsh, and others.  We had a blessed all -night meeting and the dear Lord gave a most blessed time, glorious time.  The Holy Ghost gave me a prophetic message outlining the progress of the work during the next year.  At midnight, we had remained in prayer, in silence, as the clock struck twelve.  The meeting continued till morning.

Sunday, January 1, 1911

Had a beautiful morning service.  The Spirit of God was very manifest.  The congregation was melted down in tears.  Brother Charles Hately praised God for his wonderful healing  of a diseased bone in his head, for which there was no medical remedy.  Also for the healing of his right hand and forearm paralyzed by  an accident.  Also for the healing of his leg after a compound fracture, being permanently lame, on crutches.  The doctors gave him no hope of a cure.  Jesus healed him and his heart overflowed with gratitude.  I do not know that I have ever listened to a testimony exhibiting a deeper sense of gratitude.

Evening service was a blessed time and God called sinners to repentance.  Four yielded their hearts to God and we all went home praising God for His love and mercy.

Monday, January 2, 1911

Worked on overseas mail.  Had a very blessed time indeed.  Sent out a great many papers.  At the evening service, two drunken men sought God for salvation.

Tuesday, January 3, 1911

Prayed for a man at Boysens reserve in delirium tremens.  Have never had to listen to such terrible blasphemies.  When I suggested I would fray for him, he cursed me in a terrible manner.  His wife and cousin tried to quiet him.  Finally I went up to him, took his hand forcible and held him still.  At the same time, I commanded him to look into my eyes.  He did so. I put my face down within six or eight inches of his, looking attentively into his eyes.  His gaze became fixed on my eyes as mine were on his.  Then moving my hands, I laid them on his head and I felt it was instantly cast out.  He became at once quiet and docile, turned his face, and wept bitterly, praying God for salvation.  It was a blessed experience and I returned home praising God for His mighty power in delivering men from all power of the devil.

O, soul on the highway from earth into glory,

Surrounded by mysteries and trials so near,

Let the light of thy God in thy life be resplendent.

For Jesus will guide thee, thou needest never fear.

For if thou wilt trust Me, I’ll lead thee and guide thee,

Through the quicksands and deserts of life, all the way.

No harm shall befall thee, I only will teach thee,

To walk in surrender with Me day by day.

For earth is a school to prepare thee for glory,

The lessons here learned you will ever obey.

When eternity dawns, twill be only the morning.

Of life with Me, always as life is to day.

Therefore, be not impatient as lessons thou’rt learning,

Each day will bring gladness and joy to thee here.

But heaven will reveal to thy soul of the treasure,

Which infinitude offers through ages and years.

For thy God is the God of the earth and the Heavens,

And thy soul is the soul that He died for to save,

And His blood is sufficient, His power is eternal,

Therefore, rest in thy God both today and always.