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Message for US1274A from Revanth from IP

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From Revanth

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Can you please email me soon? This narcissist woman (my "mom") did something to my soul and body by touching me. I don't know what she exactly has that is an access for her. But I want the whole thing gone from the root (in the spirit). I don't know what ability she has that does get my brain (in spiritual terms, soul) to freeze and be like a vegetable emotionally. Honestly, I want her gone out of my life along with her husband. She hates me and wants my mood to be ruined. I do know I've resentment and fear towards her and her husband. The reason I can't run out of here is because I'm being gangstalked (in other words, I'm a targeted individual) and I'm stuck (somehow). Also, I'm going through a psychiatric "treatment" due to telling the doctors the truth. Please help me out if you can. Thanks. Revanth

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