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I need my ears healed so I can fly again . I need my brain injury healed. I need my depression healed and broken heart. I need to be able to work again please. I need my family to move interstate. I need healing so I can fly again and be a passenger in a car for more than 10 minutes and drive again myself, after a car accident, have my brain injury healed, back, neck and knee injury healed and drive to the beach again, which is really far. I need to be able to go in a fast car, bus, train or fast jet plane again and not get sick, dizzy or nauseas. I need my eyes healed and sensitivity to light and sound healed, my ears healed and mind healed. I need my family to stop hating me and to move interstate to solve all out problems. I need my mum and sister healed and in good health please. Thankyou.

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