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Message for AU0227 from Jim from IP

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From Jim

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I have a lot of pain in my bottom every time after I go to the bathroom. It has been a week, ever since I went to this new doctor and told him I had a prolapsed bowel in the past and he wrote it down. I came home and had intense excruciating pain there after not having it for two years. I formerly had an operation after the vaccine as it made my bowel fall out. The pain is intense. Please can you stop it? I need to wipe it off his record as somehow it made it come back. Was he a good or bad doctor? Im very stressed now. It's like im allergic to the toilet paper or the toilet cleaner they leave on the seat. Im very sick after every time I go. It pops out and in again. I cut sit. I also have an infection inside down there. Im sorry to say it. Thankyou

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