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Message for EN1069 from Jim from IP

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From Jim

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I really want to live in Greece - My home Country. I don't know how to get back there with my old age. I want to retire with my people and I feel heartbroken everyday. I don't have any money and their medical system isn't great. I need a miracle from God. I need to be able to get back to my friends and family and find a place and a job but my money ran out. I don't trust the doctors there and I am old now. Please help me. I have a lot of pain in my bottom every time after I go to the bathroom. It has been a week, ever since I went to this new doctor and told him I had a prolapsed bowel in the past and he wrote it down. I came home and had intense excruciating pain there after not having it for two years. I formerly had an operation after the vaccine as it made my bowel fall out. The pain is intense. Please can you stop it? I need to wipe it off his record as somehow it made it come back. Was he a good or bad doctor? Im very stressed now. It's like im allergic to the toilet paper

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