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I need help to drive again please after a car accident. I have heavy migraines all the time. My mom is like a demonic witch. I don't know why is wrong with her. she is so angry at me all the time. Extreme domestic violence at home. Extreme tooth and gum pain. I really need prayer for a job please and a place to live. Really bad tooth and gum pain for me. I really miss my ex and want them to talk to me please. My mom is having bad high blood pressure, anger, heart attacks, misery ,depression, brain troubles, trauma, and my sister has high blood pressure and anger. I also have heart murmur and high blood pressure, heart troubles. Im experiencing extreme and heavy domestic violence from all members off y family in my house and all my relatives out of it. They are part of a demonic cult and want me to die. They are trying to cause me permanent brain damage and other injuries and /I get kicked out of the house everyday. My mum and I are both having extreme

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