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Message for CA1378 from Jade from IP

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From Jade

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My sister and mum play loud music and loud TV blasting all day and I have a concussion and my hearing has been affected so that everything is ampllified. They do it on purpose and just dont care. Im relly sick and they dont believe me and do it to make me permanently sick or disabled. Please pray for the salvation of all of my family members, extended and close friends. ex's and enemies, my political leaders and neighbours. Im very depressed. My family wont speak to me all Easter weekend or for the last 5 months. I have food poisoning and feel really ill and nauseas. I feel really sick in general and have a pinched nerve in my neck and spine, down my shoulder, my back and up my head so i have a bad migraine. Im really lonely and I need some friends. It's really hot. None of my former friends, boyfriends or family members will speak to me. I was an outspoken Christian so they hate me. I need a way out and I really need a job please and a place to live which is affordable. Thankyou

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