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Message for US1034A from Michele C Sanders from IP

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From Michele C Sanders

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Hi Susan, This is Michele Sanders from last Friday’s Healing Room. Thank you so very much for the Lord’s work that you all are called to do. I spent the rest of Friday and most of Saturday feeling “drunk in the Spirit” and resting outside in nature with a deeply quiet mind. I wrote down many things that the Holy Sprit revealed to my spirit. I noticed my thoughts trying to repeat old negative things by habit, but I was, and am, able to turn those thoughts away. There was no pain in my hips all day Friday and 90% is still gone today. My digestion improved and I was able to eat a normal meal for my birthday on Saturday. The edema in my feet is down. I understood from the Holy Spirit that my physical healing will be progressive. I’m doing my best to stay in faith and listen for steps I need to take in the natural. I praise the Lord for working through you all. Thank you, Susan, Debbie, Judy, and all the prayer warriors in the Healing Rooms. God bless you, Sincerely, Michele

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