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Message for EN1096 from Karen from IP

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From Karen

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Im very scared of my family and my situation, I really need a job and to be a lawyer again after a brain injury and stomach nausea all the time. I get content migraines and blackouts and can't lift my head. My family are so abusive and put loud music on when I have hyperacusis. Most of it is coming from my sister and my mum supports her. My dad and his live in girlfriend (they aren't married and living in sin) are also a huge source of stress for us as she is in the mafia and poisons him. I have a twisted back also, muscle damage, in a lot of pain.I can't lift my suitcases to travel or sit in a chair to work.I need to be healed please. Im so dizzy nd nauseas right now. My family just hate me and I don't know what to do. I need help to pick a lawyer also please as it is urgent. I need help with my medical care and need the best lawyer to organise it and can't find one. The one I wanted, didn't want me as my friend did some prayer to get rid of him. I don't know who

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