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Message for EN1067 from Diane from IP

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From Diane

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My mum is having cataract eye surgery. Please heal her eyes. Please also heal my eyes and my dad's eyes as he had the same surgery and we are both sensitive to light now. I really need a job please and my ears healed. I live in heavy domestic violence all the time. My family persecute me. I am a Christian and they are not. Really bad ear infection, both ears. My mom just hates me so much and I don't know why. She doesn't even speak to me and says she hates me. So does my sister. I really need help to have a normal life again and work please. I want to be able to exercise and go to the gym again please. I can't hear out of my ears, especially the right one. It is majorly infected, Ive taken four packets of antibiotics. I feel depressed about it as it is blocked and it is ringing constantly. It's making me nauseas, I have a broken/pierced ear drum canal also, so it whistles. It's really infected and the ear drum needs to grow back please.

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