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Message for US1000 from Christa Helt from IP

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From Christa Helt

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Hi, my name is Christa Helt, and I am interested in coming in for prayer. I am a wife and a mom of 5. I know and love JESUS and know He works where 2 or 3 are gathered in His Name. I have had a lot on my heart this year - my precious Daddy went home to be with JESUS in September, my youngest Oliviah (9) has been battling hemolytic anemia for just about 3 years, and my son Isaac (20) has been very hard for my husband Forrest and I to raise. I am so burdened for him. He is not following the LORD and is planning on going to see someone in Canada he met on the internet. He plans to leave June 7th. His Dad and I have asked him not to go. We feel it is not a safe situation. In addition to this, I have wrestled with childhood issues that I keep entrusting to the LORD and seeking counseling for, but not sure how to proceed or receive the healing God has for me in those areas. I would be grateful for prayer for these areas and as the LORD leads. Thank you.

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