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Message for EN1024 from Jane from IP

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From Jane

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Im eperincing a lot of anxiety, chest infection, fever, back issues, nerve damage in my lower spine and brain, white noise or space in my brain, connected with my lower back and spine, down to my feet and legs, nerve tingling damage, inability to walk or move my legs at times. Fear, depression and trauma. My mum has the same. We are being made homeless on the 14th June. I am not healed yet and I dont know why. I am under exrtreme stress and pressure after a motor vehicle accident. I have a post concussive syndrome, I cant write, sing, talk properly or walk well. I have a brain injury, lisp, hip injury and lower back and spine issues which go down to my feet and legs. They often go numb. I fall at times. I ahve a white space in my head at times, which is poisoning, a chest infection, an ear infection for 5 weeks, a blocked nose and covid. My mum and sister also have it and we are all quite sick. Im under extreme pressure to leave home, live in domestic violence

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