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Message for EN1010 from Tania from IP

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From Tania

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My mum and sister are really abusing and persecuting me non stop. They poison me. Im really sick with a head cold, diarrhoea, chest infection, ear infection, blocked ears, nose sinus's infection, covid, nausea, food poisoning, sore feet where I can feel all my nerves in my feet, pins and needles in my feet and lower back. I need help to get on a flight to London asap to see someone urgently before they go. I need help for the flight to be smooth sailing and no fear, no turbulence and completely safe and a good price please. Also of rare insurance to work out and to be protected the whole flight for no injuries or mishaps. Even a blessing please. I pray for those around em to be able to fly also please. I pray for my eyesight to come back after my sister and mum poisoned me. My dad also, after his girlfriend poisoned him. Please protect us. I really need help to find place to live long term and not just short term all the time. I really need help to get a job please.

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