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Message for FR0115 from Fiona from IP

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From Fiona

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My mom is really deaf so she turns the TV up super loud and its really disturbing to me as I have hyperacusis, everything is super loud. My sister and dad and brother have mysophonia, we can't even cut food on plates or use knives and forks, she screams the house down. My stomach aches so much and I have irritable bowel syndrome. My sister and I both have cancer. I really urgently need a job and place to live, a room or to buy a house finally. I have no money so I need a blessing please. I have a really bad migraine and headache for the last three months. I have terrible back pain all the time. My mum has terrible knee pain in both knees all the time. My mum, sister and I, myself, all need a husband please and some babies. My brother's wife won't have kids either, so there seems to eb a curse on us not to have grandkids. Thankyou

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