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Message for EN1048 from Yasmin from IP

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From Yasmin

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I keep getting la warning dream and knowing that I’m going to die one day in a major car accident. Please can you stop it happening? I have severe lower back pain. I’m really stressed where I live. I’m really sick. My family are persecuting me for being a Christian and try every day to poison me, in my bed sheets and in my food. I’m so sick all the time and they have caused me permanent brain injury, concussion, spinal nerve damage and feet nerve damage and caused me a lot of fear. I need help to get well and get away from them asap and find a room and a job please. Also for protection and covering generally. I need to pray for their salvation also. Also for my friends and family. My sister, mum, dad and brother and his wife bully me all the time. Thankyou.

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