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Message for EN1048 from Fiona from IP

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From Fiona

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I really need help to find a room, a place to live, to buy a place, to have wisdom and to find a job please. I need help to run again and drive a car please and healed of vertigo and muscle fatigue. I feel like there is a lot of witchcraft on me and I need to broken and I need protection. My mum and sister keep trying to kill me. I need my brain healed, my eyes healed and my hearing healed, my head and my lower back and spine please, including protruding disc damage, hip damage, knee damage and lower nerves, all the way onto back and down legs and to feet. I need help with muscle damage and to run again. I need help with vertigo in lifts and up high, or movement. I need help with my family who abuse and persecute me daily. I need help to find a job, have peace and find a room to live in or buy a place. My mum and dad both need help and wisdom in managing their money. Thankyou

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