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Message for US1604 from Tim and Christina Riley from IP

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From Tim and Christina Riley

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Please pray for our son and daughter in-laws marriage, who are separated, Michael and Moriah that there marriage can be restored in Jesus. Also pray for healing of my other son Andrew who has Schitzophrenia. Liam and Brennan to receive the Holy Spirit. Also to pray for the salvation of my co-workers: Jason, AJ, Kevin, Orland, Juan, Juan Sr., Nick, Conner, Freddie, Ladon, LaRae, Jessica and Michael, Cody, Tyler, Joel, Richard, Richard Sr., Dakota, Angel, Lorenzo, Ken, Ben, Philemon, Mitch, Ben, Jaime, Miguel, and everyone else that they would be saved in Jesus name! Love you guys, thank you so much! The harvest is coming.

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