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Message for EN1063 from Dee from IP

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From Dee

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My mom is having high blood pressure and heart attack symptoms. Please heal the root cause of her stress and her overweight. Her medication might need to change also for high blood pressure. She needs to stop taking it. My chest and heart rate are really high also. I have severe nausea and migraine, stomach ache and food poisoning, depression. I have really bad lower back pain and can't move my legs. I have nerve damage. I need help to find a place to live, a room and a job. This airbnb I am in is super dusty and full of 6 inches of dust and mould and damp. I can't breathe. Please pray for it to go away. Please heal my mum and dad who both have high blood pressure and depression about me, their health, and other things. Please pray for their salvation. My mum feels she will have a heart attack. Please heal her. Please heal my stomach nausea from food poisoning and gastric. Please heal all my fears. Please cleanse my airbnb room and make my legs walk again

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