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Message for EN1031 from Diane from IP

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From Diane

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I just finished two packets of antibiotics and I still have an ongoing or new chest infection and coughing. I have bad food poisoning and nausea. I really hate the bed im sleeping in. It's so filthy. I have no family and friends and I feel so sick and alone. Noone wants to help me or likes me. I need some people in my life. Bad cough and chest infection, full of dust and mould poisoning. Have severe stomach poisoning and food poisoning, nausea, vomtinign, diarrhoea I can't stop coughing. My chest is full of dust from the air conditioner for three days now. Can you supernaturally make it disappear please? Im so sick and nauseas, dizzy, have food poisoning. Im depressed and need my eyesight healed too please. I have bad stomach nausea and food poisoning. I need healing for my eyes please. Also my mum's eyes before cataract surgery. Also for my dad's eyes as he is being poisoned and lost his licence. Please bring it back. I can't stop coughing. My lungs

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