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Message for US1981 from Leah Coon from IP

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From Leah Coon

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Hello, I am interested in getting prayer for physical and mental healing. My dad died last October. He was a pastor and is most certainly in heaven, but the year leading up to his death greatly impacted me. A year ago I developed neurological symptoms including burning tongue, polyneuropathy, and muscle spasms without any known root cause. A benign cyst was found in my brain. I've had follow up imaging and all the doctors who looked at it said it looks stable but they will continue to monitor it. This past march I started having visual symptoms including migraines with a visual aura (but no headaches) and another visual disturbance called illusory palinopsia where I see after images of illuminated objects. The symptoms, along with the trauma of my dad passing have caused me to have anxiety. I believe in the power of God and would appreciate someone praying with me. Thanks.

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