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Message for CA1426 from Tina from IP

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From Tina

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I have this whole List of injuries   * Injury to your head including possible post-concussion syndrome including, memory retention, concentration issues, reading and writing.   * Injury to your neck,   * Upper back,   * Bilateral shoulders,   * Bilateral arms,   * Lower back,   * Bilateral legs,   * Headaches,   * Sleep impairment,   * Tinnitus,   * Mental Harm including, anxiety, depression and PTSD, including over not working, * pins needles numbness in lower back, back of legs and feet. * Can’t speak the same as before, have lisp, get tired easy, can’t listen and follow others or remember * can’t write or read the same. Can’t drive a car. Can’t drink alcohol, can’t eat certain foods, can’t go to gym, exercise etc, lots of things haven’t been documented yet, some at GP and physio.

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