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Message for EN1057A from Jenny from IP

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From Jenny

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Prayer request please: I really need a job please. I haven't worked for 7-8 months and have run out of money and time. I have an infected gum, tooth infection on a couple of teeth, root canal needed and broken teeth. My gums have receded a lot and I can't stop swearing. I think that has caused it. I haven't been to a dentist in years as I am scared, so I need to book it and go and not be afraid. It hurts so much every time I go. It also costs a lot and I don't have a job. I really need to find a job and work again for income. I need some peace. I have a really bad stomach ache all the time after I eat as I have coeliac disease and allergy to wheat, gluten, dairy, sugar and chocolate really bad. I also have breast cancer and a growth on another part of my body which is cancerous. Please also pray for my friend's business and his health. I also need healing for my eyes and my mum's eyes, dad's eyes and sister and brother's eyes also. We have short sightedness.

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