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Message for US1981 from Ted Bell from IP

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From Ted Bell

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I am praying for healing for my wife Shelly & our marriage. I believe she is suffering from untreated mental health issues from unresolved childhood trauma & has isolated herself from godly friends & church, won't receive godly counsel unless they say that we should divorce, etc. Now she wants a divorce. We were so wonderful 2 years ago & now her mind seems so negative. I have prayed & prayed over her, us, tried to cast out bad spirits & it has only gotten worse. She has bulimia, & other issues, but has been sober for 17 yrs at least after a lifetime of alcohol & drug use, promiscuity, theft, etc. She has been saved for about 12 years. Thank God. I'm so devastated but nothing I do helps. We have seen 6+ pastors, Drs & counselors... Its seems so hopeless. I thought God hated divorce? Please God turn this around. In Jesus name. Amen Please prey for me/her/us. I believe (& she did too) that God brought us together for good things. Please let me know if I can come on Tuesday.

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