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Message for JM1002 from Deon Gurrell (nee Bailey) from IP

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From Deon Gurrell (nee Bailey)

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Please pray for my brother, Mark Anthony Bailey Snr., who suffers from bipolar disorder. Our sister died on July 9th, she developed pneumonia then complications. I had to call him on telephone to break the sad news. He lives in New York also our 2 other brothers. He is in malice with my other 2 brothers, could be issues from childhood (we are now in our 60's); also his attitude is 'things must go his way always'. He seem also very bitter with me, not sure why, as I am always the one who has been by his side. He seem very taken up in acquisition of house and land, must be a consequence of his mental health issue. I can recall our Mom, although meaning us well, placed a lot of emphasis on land, could be that her Dad died young without a Will and the Government took all their land, etc. Not sure she got past this, now deceased. I have said a LOT. Please pray for us regarding our sister funeral service on August 10th. Please pray for my last brother Mark Anthony Bailey Snr.

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