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Message for US1466 from Janah Ungaro from IP

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From Janah Ungaro

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Good Afternoon, I am writing to you from see if it would be possible to bring my son Avery in for healing& deliverance. A year ago he attended a 3 day men’s weekend called Trés Dias. Many wonderful things happened for him during that weekend, we had great hopes his life would turn around. But as soon as he returned back to his ex-girlfriend, he fell under even worse demonic oppression. I was getting ready for work one morning after he returned and I heard a woman’s voice laughing in the spirit and she clearly said “you actually think we can’t hide for a weekend?” I was so shocked, because at first I didn’t understand what it meant, I knew it was a spiritual voice and an ugly one, a mocking one and then it hit me, I had prayed to intercede for my son the whole weekend. I believe it was the spirit of Jezebel laughing at a mother praying for her son. 😢 God also showed me a marine spirit. Avery is now having thoughts of suicide which has NEVER happened. Can we PLEASE come Aug 13th ?

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