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Message for US1773 from Robert Mack from IP

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From Robert Mack

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Hello to all, This is my first try at something that has a huge potential for believers. I recently became familiar with quantum mechanics. This is an exact science that generates precise predictions. I'm also a highschool dropout. So please don't let intimidtion settle in. In essence, out of this, and for me, came a unified field. Through the development of this field, also came answers to many intriguing and even baffling questions which there were no answers. It helped me derive (using simple math,this is) concise meanings out of ... Offering our other garments ... Turning our other cheek ... Fishing from the other side of the boat. I found that pi is more than a mathematical constant. It is a creation from GOD. With the above stated, I also believe that group prayer stands unchallenged to be the essence of our Lord's Will. I also believe that if GOD did not approve of this communication, it will not reach you. Bob.

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