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Message for US1000 from Tris’styn williams from IP

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From Tris’styn williams

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Hi , My name is Tris’styn Williams and I have lupus. I’m 26 . And I know right now I’m living in trauma, from being forever my first time, bad relationships that mainly everyone was abusive . And so on. I’m the oldest of six kids and I feel left out and unloved a lot in my life. And I feel my mom has taken things out on me. I use to be a people pleaser I still can be . But I use to be nice and merciful and then it turned into me hurting people how they do me or worse. Recently on top of lupus- I’m a single mom. But I lost my job, and my car. And I’ve been filling out so many jobs and can’t seem to land one. Like I’m at a stand still. I’ve been feeling life is too much for me. The constant feelings that over whelm me and just the negative affects of how I’ve been changed . I’ve been losing faith in general and about faith in love and lie. I know where in the end times so it shouldn’t matter but I feel stuck . I feel abandoned and I feel alot

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