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Message for EE1007 from Belinda from IP

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From Belinda

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I have really bad ear infection. I dont have any money. I ma really sick and nauseas. I feel trapped in this house. I cant escape and there is nothigng to do during the day. I dont even have a job and there is nowehre to go. Really bad ear infection and flu. Cant breathe properly. allergy to cat hair. The cat goes outside all day and comes in and i get sick with vomiting or allergies, nose and breathing. I need a husband. Im in a bad domestic violence sitatuion. I cant escape. I need help to get ot London please and find accomodation. I have really bad ear infection and need help to make a claim in court agasint a former flatmate for stealing $850. I have a lot of fear. I alos have the flu really bad and cant go for a walk. Im really sick with the flu and cant go out and exercise. I have gut issues also. I really need a job and to work again please. Thankyou

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