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Message for US1774 from Marcela Duque from IP

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From Marcela Duque

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Good evening We live in South Florida (fort lauderdale area) My daughter is 14 years old and she will have a surgery on sept 17. It is for her left knee she had a patellar dislocation. Due to her bleedihg disorder (factor 7 deficiency) the surgery is at a higher risk because the bleed8ng, rosk of infection so the doctor was reluctant to do the sirgery unless she has another episode amd she had a subluxation 2 days ago. She has been wearing a knee brace all the time and this subluxation happened again the forst day she was walking back to school. We heard about prayer rooms but we dont know where to go. Thanks for your help. Marcela Duque 754-551-1700

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