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Message for US1908 from L.jaya prakash from IP

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From L.jaya prakash

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Dearly  Beloved   Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ from India!We are so glad to  meet you through this  E mail. First of all, I would like to  introduce myself and my ministry: I am a pastor . L.jaya prakash , Pastor of  the Church serving the Lord full-time for the last over 20 years. Our  ministry name is  LAND OF SHARON MINISTRY.  We are preaching the gospel in the villages and feeding the poor. Fulfilling the will of Jesus Christ in our pagan land India. We would  like to fellowship and connect with your noble ministry.  Would you  please let us know your heart for our nation so that I can share more about my vision and burden of the Ministry Thank you. Recently we got an fcra from our government.  We feed the poor and do some social activities.  Amen!  In Christ pastor L. jaya prakashLand of Sharon Ministries (Regd.No. 97/2009) vengalarao nagar 2line, guntur -522002. Andhra Pradesh, India.8331841347.

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