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Message for US1000 from Charlotte Lee-Williams from IP

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From Charlotte Lee-Williams

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4:11 am Wednesday 8/21/24 Good morning .God Bless you people of God. I would like to visit Spokane Washington to see where the great man of God John G Lake preached healed and his resting place . I thought there was a tree near his grave after viewing a video the tree has been cut down. I have such a hunger for the things of God always since being saved sanctified and filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost . Born with a prophetic gift like Jeremiah and walk in the Office of a Prophet. Only people who know me or can see behind the veil know this in of course by word of mouth. I’ve found myself not using my gift for the last 8 years. Well every now and then after moving to ElPaso Texas by way of Illinois. Pastor Lake actually had had his business in Harvey illinois a place I lived in and grew up near . Smith Wiggles Worth and Jon G Lake are men who walked like Jesus in this season . My love for God and Jesus have me drawn to pray at their grave sites for a quadruple portion

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