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Message for US2050 from Michelle Daniels from IP

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From Michelle Daniels

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Hello! I would like to attend your San Francisco healing room on Saturday. I grew up in church, but have recently found my way back to Jesus. And I believe I need deliverance and prayer in quite a few areas. I feel like there’s something heavy on me and it stops me from getting closer to God. But all my heart truly wants is a closer and better relationship with God!! I used to suffer from depression but I believe God has healed me but I still need deliverance from it and many things attached to me from my past. When I was in the world, I used to dabble in New Age (tarot, sage, crystals, money spells casts over me) and I want whatever demons attached to me from this time in my life gone as well. I had fibroid removal surgery in March and have also been dealing with complications and pain from it. I am now, home on Medical disability for the next 2.5 months. But everytime I try to work on the creative ideas God put on my heart, this “heaviness” stops me! I need help!

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