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Message for US2063 from Amy from IP

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From Amy

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Hi, I’m writing because I need urgent prayer and intercession for my husband. We’ve been married 25 years, known each other for 34 years. He has battled depression and PTSD most of that time. He was given up for adoption as a baby (was “a mistake”) His adoptive father beat him up on a regular basis, starting at about age 5; Physical and verbal abuse. I believe in Jesus Christ as my King and Savior. I believe in the promises of salvation and Heaven. I have prayed for my husband every day , asking the Holy Spirit to come and ordering the devil out of his head in the name of Jesus. My husband hates his job and says he’s not going to work today, again saying we need to move for him to find a better job (we have tried that). He is always searching for a way to fill the hole in his soul that I know only Jesus can fill. He is always in fight or flight mode; he uses me to regulate his emotions (not logical, emotional). He is in so much emotional pain and says he is tired of “suffering”.

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