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Message for US1793 from Dara Kamilah Thomas from IP

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From Dara Kamilah Thomas

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I'm interested in working with your church to begin a soaking worship ministry. My name is Dara Kamilah Thomas and I've just begun attending St. John's Lutheran Church in Linthicum, MD and it's been such a good experience so far! With my work, I'm currently working as a sound therapist and wellness musician for nursing homes and senior centers. I'm self-taught on the keyboard, chromatic lyre harp (with amp and effects pedal), and other instruments; and I've had training with vocals as well. I've also performed my musical talents and services professionally for a retreat with a Catholic church named Christ the King and St. Bernadette in Glen Burnie, MD and I've sung as a professional cantor with St. Philip Neri Church in Linthicum, MD.

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