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Message for US1771A from Carlos A Oliveira from IP

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From Carlos A Oliveira

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You are invited to attend: MIRACLES, SIGNS & WONDERS - SCHOOL OF THE SUPERNATURAL, held by Reality-TV Personality, Brother Carlos Oliveira COME FOR A FREE SUPERNATURAL (TOUCHLESS) BODY ADJUSTMENT. *WARNING, AFTER YOUR BODY IS SUPERNATURALLY ADJUSTED, YOUR INFIRMITY/PAIN MAY GO AWAY. DETAILS @ HACKER ALERTHACKER FRESNO, CALIFORNIA We encourage the following to attend: - Chiropractors - Physical Therapists - Massage Therapists - Psychologists - Christians - Catholics - Doctors - Nurses - Evangelists - Pastors - Realtors - Ghost Hunters - Pet Owners - Home Owners - Etc... We DEMONSTRATE the POWER of GOD for everyone to see, in every single School of the Supernatural and Revival meeting we host. DETAILS @ HACKER ALERTHACKER FRESNO, CALIFORNIA

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