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Message for EN1048 from A from IP

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From A

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My ears are really infected. They are so itchy and full of water and are irritated by something in my room, like an allergy. My dad is really sick and doesnt know Jesus. His girlfriend who lives with him, unmarried, keeps poisoning him slyly. She is much younger and keeps asking him for money. He keeps getting cancer and has to go to hospital all the time. I dont want him to go yet. Please pray for him. Please pray she is discovered and his eyes are opened to her antics and he is protected and well. Im also in a really bad domestic violence situation and need prayer help to get out of it and be healed and find somewhere else to live. I need all my injuries healed please. He is aggressive and angry all the time, with verbal abuse. I feel confused and stressed. I dont know hpw tp get away from him and his demonic prayers agasint me and my family. He says he is a Christian. He prays to stop me moving out and stop me acting or getting a job. I cant study or prepare for it. Thankyou

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