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Message for US1238B from Carrie Liddell from IP

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From Carrie Liddell

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I am coming out of Paralysis on my whole right side! When I have finished moving down there - I would REALLY LOVE for you guys to have me in a room & to have someone anointed bring out the Paralysis out of my body for good! I had this STEALING PROBLEM! But now it's GONE!! HALLELUJAH!! The last "HEALING ROOMS" I went to - they had me sit real still & they TALKED TO THE DEMONS INSIDE OF ME!! There was a man & his Wife, Mitch & Janice Reynolds - & Mitch mentioned WHY did the demonic beings GO OUT of her??!!I Well I KNEW what was holding back. I had to STOP STEALING from stores!! Well- now it's GONE!! I won't EVER STEAL AGAIN!! I was going to the "HEALING ROOMS" in (Assembly of GOD) "Living Faith Assembly" in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Now I live in Rogue River, Oregon. & there is nothing like HEALING ROOMS down here! They are AWESOME! I am EXCITED to MOVE AGAIN - like I did before!! I hope that you are capable of Casting Out the Demons that are stuck inside of me!! 🙏🙏🙏💖

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