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Message for EN1065 from Belinda from IP

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From Belinda

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Hi there, I have severe tooth infections in about 5 teeth and gum infections, receding gums. I cant eat hot and cold foods or liquids. I cant eat hard foods. Its so infected all over. I need a root canal and i have three cracked teeth from stress. Im living in a highy toxic environment full of stress and cant get out when im sick, so need to get well please. Im too scared to go to the dentist, but my teeth will get worse if I dont. Please pray for them and for the dentist visit and my fear. Im really sick in my stomach and gut all the time. Im really stressed. I want to mvoe out and live with some girls. I also have really, really bad ear infections in both ears with yellow puss. I have fever every morning. I sleep late and wake up late and cant break the cycle. I have coffee addiction and need healing so I dont waste so much money on it. I need money as I am in a really bad situtation and need money to get out of it. Thankyou

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