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Message for NZ0236 from Jenni-May Burton from IP

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From Jenni-May Burton

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Hi Through the grace of Lord Jesus Christ I have been directed to you in the hope that you may be able to help me. I have had been made aware that I have had spiritual warfare attacks on me since I was a child. I am now 56 years old and shouldn't still be alive, but I know deep within my heart that God still needs me here on Earth. I am very sick with complications affecting my central nervous system - Myalgic Encephalomyelitis - Brain/Brain Stem Inflammation. I have also received iatrogenic brain injury from a series of psychiatric polydrugging. I have been alcohol free for 15 years and cannabis free 5 years, but I am still physically dependant on the benzodiapine 'lorazepam' and the ssri 'prozac' (both prescribed by my GP) I was brought up Catholic but rebelled against the Lord in my teens, but have recently had the veil lifted again to rediscover him. I would be most grateful to you for any assistance you are able to provide me. Shalom Shalom Jenni-May 021 883355 Dvnedin

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