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Message for EN1056A from Jane from IP

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From Jane

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I feel like I have asthma and am not really breathing right in my chest. I have bad ear infection and sinus’s and can’t sleep. I grind and clench my teeth a lot as I am so scared in domestic and spiritual violence. I ah e bad irinary tract infection and thrush from too many antibiotics and from a share house bathroom. I’m feeling really depressed where I live. He is blocking me leaving or finding another place to live. He is controlling where I live or move to. He is controlling my life. I feel really unsafe 5 times a day with his mood swings and horrible mouth, the threatening things he says all the time. I’m allergic to dairy and soy and it’s making me really sick. I’m allergic to cat and dog hair and it’s making me really sick. I need to make an NCAT application and I am struggling due to ill health. For my dad’s health please and to escape a domestic violence situation and partner. My teeth are all broken from stress. I really hate the man I live with. I’m not s

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