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Message for US1000 from Carol Jean Kinsel from IP

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From Carol Jean Kinsel

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I need prayer for my body, mind and spirit. I am having health issues. My muscles are tingling, reduced in size a lot, feet and hands small from less muscle, back less muscle. The amount of muscle decreases everyday. I also have symptoms from a past brain surgery in 1999. I had my right temporal lobe taken out to stop seizures. The side effects this are memory loss, inability to understand what ppl say sometimes, trouble with blocking out sound and other things. I am afraid with all this going on. It scares the crap out of me. I have a stronghold of fear I am working on. I would also like help with codependency. Thank you! Thank you so much! I so appreciate this. I need a miracle which only the Lord could certainly do! Praise the Lord in advance. Thank you so much! Thank you so much for what you do. I am on the prayer team at my church.

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