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Message for AU0315 from Pete from IP

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From Pete

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I had a car accident today. It was $25,000 in damages. Please heal me of the root cause of it so it doesnt happen again. Im a bit shaken up. I think it's my girlfriend doing it with a ouiji doll or something. I dont know how to get rid of her from my house and relationship. I feel a bit weak and feel like I need her. Both of my daughters also has bad health and no career due to this woman and my previous women. Their mother isnt very nice also. None of us are Christians. My daighters and I are all very fat also and have diabetes and depression, poor eyesight and ear/hearing problems. I dont want to lose my licence so I need heaing in my eyes and body also . Please set me free of her as I cant on my own. Thankyou

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