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Message for US1946 from Shelley Cook from IP

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From Shelley Cook

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i hope that this email reaches someone who can help me's eyes. I am in bad shape. I am desperate for help. And I am spent. Financially, physically, and spiritually. I am 44 years old. I have been diagnosed with ocd for 3-4 years, but had battled it not knowing what it was since I was about 10. It has morphed and changed into what it is now, which is a monster. Funnily enough, I am a school counselor. And a darn good one. But outside of that I am a shell of a human being, depressed, anxious, and scared to death of just about everything. My ocd is this: tormenting, crippling worries over things that have to do with the safety. I am a Christian. I love Jesus. I have prayed for healing for so long and just feel ignored. I have lost my husband of 21 years to it because he could not handle my constant ocd worries and need for reassurance all the time. Being healed is my only option beause no meds or therapy help me.

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