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Message for US2044 from Susan Sisarran from IP

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From Susan Sisarran

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Hello, I'd love to visit but probably can't make it this coming Saturday. Do you offer healing by phone/remotely? I believe my family and I have been cursed by more than one persons and I'd really like it to be removed. I personally also struggle with not being able to accomplish much though as a youngster I was very motivated. I know in my heart of hearts that something is not right. I've become very negative and lazy. I'd like to break this cycle and be a more motivated and generous person. I feel like I'm squandering my time and want to be of more use to not only my family, but others as well. I've had a childhood filled with trauma and I don't care much for anything. I believe it's a coping mechanism but it's not serving me well in adulthood. I have trouble remembering and don't fully appreciate even the good things in life. I'd like to live a more fulfulling and enriched life. Can you pray for me?

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