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Prayer Requests
HR Prayer Request Form Submission
I received prayer on-line for arthritis in my knees and degenerative discs in my spine. I am feeling much better and do not experience the pain I had before. I believe the Lord completely healed those areas. A group of us from our church just went through deliverance training. We have experienced massive physical attacks. One of our leaders just had surgery of a large tumor and it was cancerous. Another woman injured her knee and was diagnosed with arthritis. Another family lost one of their closest friends who was a strong Christian. He was allegedly murdered by his son. I started getting bit badly and discovered that it is likely an "incurable" parasite of which I found some in my nose, as well. It is hard to deal with the feeling and thoughts of it. This all happened to just seven of us from our church that took the class. Please pray for our healings from these attacks of the enemy with us. We know the Lord will win these battles. Thanks and God bless you, Lori S
From: Lori S at

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