Healing Rooms of West Chester, Inc.
Since we opened two years ago I failed to publish testimonies of healing. The following go from 2008 to the present, 01/06/10. Unfortunately we had many more healings but, being new as a Director, I failed to request Testimony Sheets. It is a mistake that I will try not to make again; My faith was lifted just in re-reading these! Pat and John Milner, Directors, Healing Rooms of West Chester (PA)
I was prescribed ciprofloxacin and had an adverse drug reaction to it; the side effects were overwhelming. The worst side effect were the panic attacks. I tried nutritional supplements and nothing helped. For 3 months I was searching for help stop these from increasing. I remembered seeing a flyer for a Healing Room. I went online and found it. The prayer team prayed for me and I haven't had a panic attack since. Praise God!! L. Brennan
My testimony is that Jesus cast Satan out of my mind, heart and mostly my mouth and my soul. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I'll see HRWC again!! S. De'Bell
I came here to HRWC on a Friday for prayer for intestinal bleeding which I had had for 2 1/2 weeks. On Saturday it stopped! Praise the Lord. E. Felice
I visited the HRWC for severe pain in my arms. It was so bad that I couldn't pick up my cane when it slipped from my hand. I was healed almost from the time I stepped into the room. Hallelujah! W. Wright
My son's eyesight in his left eye was worse than 400/20. He could not determine the number of fingers held up even from a distance of two feet. After prayer I asked him to identify the number of fingers and he repeatedly identified them accurately. It was a drastic difference from what he has ever been able to do. L.W.
I came to the HR about 2 months ago with aching knees. I really felt lkike I was being attacked in that area because I love to visit the sick and shut-ins and walk and witness about the Lord's love. After being prayed for I could actually lift both legs without any pain!! Thanks be to God, now I can be on the battlefield of the Lord TWICE as much. God bless the Healing Rooms staff. C. Outlaw
My son was burnt with scalding water while at work; his arm, chest, neck and face were involved. I was very afraid that his face would be scarred. When the ladies at the HRWC prayed they concentrated on healing his face. This happened during the week. When I visited him on Saturday at the burn center, his father (who had been out of town when he was injured) went in to see him first. He came out and said how good he looked; I said "no, he looked so bad when I saw him". When I went in I could not believe how wonderful he looked. I believe this was God's blessing. Thank you so much for praying for my son. He is still healing, but he is making remarkable progress. God bless. C.Boyer
I felt the power of the Lord take hold of my body, mind and soul. I felt the Lord take my pain right out of my body. I had abdominal pain when I came in the door. When I stepped into the prayer room I felt something come over my body; it was God taking hold of me and casting the devil out. My pain subsided and I was cleansed and healed; I was born again! Thank you Jesus. K. Pinkney
I was attacked about 8 years ago and I hated and cursed God for allowing this to happen to me. I needed to forgive this man for doing this to me. It was so bad that I should have been killed but Jesus said NO! The Team in the HR prayed with me and I have been delivered from the hurt and pain that was placed on me - Hallelujah! He that the Lord has set free is free indeed. Thank you Jesus for forgiving me. S. De'Bell
I have been healed in many ways while coming into the HR - physically, spiritually and relationally. I am learning to relax my muscles throughout my body, but particularly in my face. The Lord is improving my hand-eye coordination. Best of all, I awake with joy in my heart and His prayers on my lips. HALLELUJAH! S. Rogers
I had been on sleeping pills for years and wanted to get off. I had the team of the HR pray for me. I went home and didn't take a pill when I went to sleep and slept like a baby. God is good. P.M