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Message for MY1073 from Josephine wong from IP

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From Josephine wong

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Request for prayer cloth Pls send me a prayer cloth for Stephen. 2017 he practised meditation n befriended friendly demons. As a child he has adhd n also need inner healing of hurts, shamed n being unappreciated or loved. I also need a prayer cloth for Deborah who has anger management issue of sorts (when angered expression can be fiery but when calm she is a sweet n caring girl). She is a perfectionist. She works in London. I need another prayer cloth for my elder twin daughter Elizabeth. Growing up she's compared to her younger twin who is more attractive n whose qualities are more visible. She has her qualities too but its uncovered on interaction. When she was in my womb her heart was formed later n when a shadow was spotted on the scan I was alarmed a prayed for some time for it to be gone. As a young child she has less confidence but I have assured her that I love her. She was once diagnosed of polystic ovarian syndrome n was on med for some time. She works in London.

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